Having 5 daily habits may seem like a foreign concept and overwhelming but in a fast-paced world, achieving the perfect ‘routine’ is now at the top of many people’s agendas.
Mindfulness, journaling, meditation, in bed and awake at the exact times, exercise, and ‘me time’, all of these can be part of the 5 daily habits you want to see.
Still, and even if all that sounds alien, most of us do have a routine of sorts already in place. If that routine currently is a manic morning dash around the house looking for keys and bundling kids into the car while shouting at the dog, that’s OK!
In particular, as we move into the winter months, it’s tempting just to hit that snooze button and not add any more ‘tasks’ to your already busy day.
However, building a consistent daily schedule can be straightforward.
Establishing a daily routine can help you stay calm, motivated, and efficient and give you the right mindset to manage any challenges.
This can take some trial and error, but we’ve tapped into the 5 daily habits that are easy to implement to start you off.
1) Start your day WITHOUT coffee
Coffee is a BIG part of many of our morning routines; it can seem almost inconceivable to go without it as soon as we wake up.
But kick-starting a new day with alternatives – a smoothie, juice, herbal tea, or hot water with lemon – can have a hugely positive effect.
And studies have shown that the most beneficial time to drink coffee is 3 hours after you wake up (approx 9.30 am-11.30 am) as this is when we tend to have a dip in cortisol levels.
2) Take advantage of your Power Hour
What is your most productive hour? For some, it’s the first thing in the morning. For others, it’s lunchtime.
Whatever slot works for you – identify it and make the most of that time. Exercise, for example, is a brilliant way to get going in the morning. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout – but yoga, a walk, jog, or strength exercises have a huge benefit.
Indeed, there is a multitude of research out there that proves that exercise can increase your ability to focus, optimises your brain and mood, and therefore help you get things done.
If you don’t have the luxury of time in the morning, why not try one of these tips to build it into your day:
Get off one stop earlier, park further away
Cycle/walk to work or when doing the school-run
Take the stairs instead of the lift
Suggest a walking work meeting rather than lunch
Offer to make the coffee run
Hit a lunchtime yoga class
3) Skip screen time for me time
Be honest, what’s the first thing you do when you wake up? For most of us, it’s checking our phones.
Studies have shown that more than 80% of Irish women admit to checking social media first thing every morning.
For a more relaxing start to your day, consider swapping your morning Instagram scroll for 10 minutes of ‘me time’?
Start by checking in with yourself by asking:
What would you like I like to achieve today?
How am I feeling?
What am I happy about?
4) Simplify to amplify
Productivity is something a lot of us struggle with.
At any given moment, most of us are juggling various tasks. But often, when your time is spread across multiple projects at once, the tasks can sometimes take longer or worse, nothing gets done!
We believe we should simplify to amplify’ to capitalise on the old fashion mantra ‘less is more’.
Focuses your day by deciding on ONE task you want to achieve and working towards a larger goal.
Tips include:
Set yourself a timer for a defined segment of time
Switch ofF all surrounding distractions
Avoid moving on to another task until you have completed the first
5) Conduct a morning download
The humble to-do list; surviving the rise in digital productivity tools and apps, writing down to-do lists has remained a firm favourite because it’s simple and a visual reminder for your desk or workspace.
Here are some key tips to get the most out of the process:
Be as specific as you can and try to attach a time to each task
Allocate time to prep lunches, uniforms, and sports gear the night before for the kids
Be realistic – this is not a space for long-term goals/ objectives. Stick with what you can manage to avoid setting yourself up for failure
Make space for downtime away from work or child-minding (see above on the Power Hour!)
KeyForHer believes in empowering women to feel their best and take on whatever the day brings. Remember that you’ve got this no matter what your routine throws at you!
Be sure to read our article on the 6 best vitamins that will help with mood-boosting and stress relief!
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